Course Repository
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English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will be introduced to the last of the six syllable types: Consonant-le (C-le). A new suffix, “-ly,” is introduced, along with the two-syllable suffixes “-ible” and “-able.” The three-syllable words created by adding these longer suffixes to one-syllable words will push you to decode and encode three-syllable words with more confidence and automaticity.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students move beyond review of Grade 1 spelling patterns and skills. Now familiar instructional practices serve as a vehicle for introducing new spelling patterns, affixes, high-frequency words (regularly and irregularly spelled, including contractions), and fluency practice. Students engage in deep word analysis, learning spelling rules to help them generalize spelling patterns for vowel teams and affixes, but also learning that there are many words in English for which no rules apply. Students will be introduced to 1-1-1 doubling rule, the three sounds of “-ed”/”id/, /d/, /t/ and contractions with would. Students will be introduced to the vowel teams of “oo,” “ou,” “ui,” “ue,” and “ew” (read only) and contractions with “will”. Students will review “-tion” and “-sion” and review of patterns from unit 3: /ow/ spelled “ou” and “ow,” /oy/ spelled “oi” and “oy,” and patterns for long “u” (read only): “ou,” “ew,” “oo,” “ui,” “ue”
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will be exploring space science and how gravity, the moon, sun, stars, and Earth interact with each other to affect shadows, day and night, and the stars that we see. Students will use their observational and investigational skills to develop evidence to support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distances from the Earth. Students will use their observational and investigational skills to develop evidence to support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down. Students will collect representational data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some stars in the sky.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this module, students continue the reading routines from Unit 1 to finish reading Peter Pan. At the same time, they read chapters of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, another story about Peter Pan written by J.M. Barrie. Students will compare and contrast the stories. Students recount the story and analyze it to identify the main idea. For the mid-unit assessment, students closely read the final chapter of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens to compare it to Peter Pan and also to analyze it for the central message. In the second half of the module, students write a book review of Peter Pan, stating an opinion with reasons about whether they would recommend Peter Pan to a friend. During this time, they will engage in the writing process, including brainstorming, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing. For the final performance tasks, students will select a scene from Peter Pan, revise it, and deliver an oral presentation to the class. This module consists of three units. Throughout the module, students will be reading the text Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie and focus on two essential questions, “What can we learn from reading literacy classics?” and “How do writers capture a reader’s imagination?”. Unit 1 - In this unit, students will use the story Peter Pan and informational text about the author to make connections. Students will build their knowledge between event connections, character traits, and character actions. Students will compare and contrast different points of view. Unit 2 - In this unit, students will write a book review recommending or not recommending Peter Pan to a friend. Students will conclude the unit by discussing their opinions and thoughts on the book. Unit 3 - In this unit, students will revise or change a scene of Peter Pan based on the reasons why students would not recommend Peter Pan to a friend. After revising one part of the story, students will create a presentation explaining their changes or additions to the revised scene.
21st Century Skills | Health | Physical Education
Grade Levels:
09, 10, 11, 12
Course format:
ILC HS Physical Education Course B -Semester 2 emphasizes four of the eight Dimensions of Wellness: Financial,Occupational, Environmental and Intellectual.
Health | Physical Education
Grade Levels:
09, 10, 11, 12
Course format:
ILC HS Physical Education Course A -Semester 1 emphasizes four of the eight Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this module, students continue to build on the decoding and encoding of CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words from Module 3. Students are introduced to the difference between long and short vowel sounds and become comfortable identifying the long vowels spoken CVCe (consonant-vowel-consonant-"e") words. Students are also exposed to some consonant blends in word endings, such as "-nk" and "-ing," in print. Students will begin to recognize and identify these blends in spoken words.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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The labs module allows students to apply content-based, literacy lessons, and foundational reading and writing skills across curricular areas. In this module, students will learn about caring for birds as they create, engineer, research, and imagine. In the Create Lab, students will create an expert bird. In the Engineering Lab, students will work with a partner to design and build a bird’s nest using a variety of materials. In the Research Lab, students will gain research skills by using a variety of resources (images, texts, and technology) to learn more about local birds. In the Imagine Lab, students will write a story with their expert bird as the main character.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students continue to focus on vowel spelling patterns. Students work with r-controlled vowels, followed by vowel teams and patterns in which the first vowel says its name, such as “ai” and “ea.” Students gain knowledge of alternative spelling patterns for long vowel sounds (such as “igh” for long “i”). In preparation for Grade 2 work, a new instructional practice is introduced in this module: Fluency. Students will learn how to monitor their oral reading, paying attention to reading smoothly, with expression, with meaning, and not too fast or too slow.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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In this unit students will answer the compelling question “How have children's lives changed over time?” Students will engage in analyzing historical images by integrating the 5 W's questioning practices.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students answer the compelling question “What factors, forces, or reasons cause people to move from one geographic area to another?”. Students will learn about causes and effects of Westward Expansion.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students answer the compelling question “How does the way we live impact how we live?” The outcome of this unit is for students to realize where we get our resources, and the impact that our living and consumption of resources has on the land around us. At the end of this unit, students will demonstrate their understanding of human environmental impact by developing a city planning project. They will work together to problem-solve, present solutions, examine the impact on the environment, and make recommendations.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students answer the compelling question “Are all schools the same?”
Students will use the inquiry standards to ask and answer questions, analyze primary and secondary sources, and evaluate those sources to make a claim using evidence.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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Module 1 focuses on "getting to know letters" (letter names, formations, and sounds). In these modules, students focus on the separate, individual sounds in words (the phonemes). In this unit, students will identify, be introduced to the sound of, and learn to write the letters "n," "c," "m," and "r." Students will work with high-frequency words "in" and "the". Students will distinguish the beat of words and count syllabus in words.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will focus on the decoding and encoding of single syllable words with short vowel sounds. Decoding words with "ing," "ang," "ung," and "ong" orthographic chunks is introduced. Students will encode and decode single syllable words that include digraphs such as "th" and "sh." Students will spend time reading decodable texts that include closed syllable words with short vowel sounds as well as high-frequency words learned thus far. Students are introduced to “y” as the long “i” sound at the end of single syllable words.
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will build on their understanding of animal behavior while learning about how bald eagles use their excellent sense of sight to survive in the wild. This focus on the sense of sight allows some additional exploration into the physical science concept of light. Students will gain an understanding of the basic properties of light and how light enables living things to see. Students will learn about the elements that make a good scientific mode by creating models to show how animals use their senses to gather information about their surroundings which makes them act in certain ways. Students will practice obtaining evidence from a variety of sources and use that evidence to defend a claim about whether or not humans can change an animal's behavior to make it tame.
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will learn about ecosystems by discovering their own local ecosystem, and identifying plants and animals locally. Students will conduct an experiment in which they will observe plants growing, and learn about what is required in order for plants to grow. Students will explore the relationship between plants and animals, and how animals help move seeds around, which helps plants grow. At the end, students will put it all together and engineer a "Super Insect" that can help solve the world's problems.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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This module is about how tools and habits of character are used around the world to solve problems and bring about positive change. Unit 1 is all about tools. In this unit, students will learn about different kinds of hand tools and how they help people work all around the world. Students will listen to an informational book about different tools and how they are used. Students will use tools with small groups to complete challenges, and create a writing that describes how a tool works. Unit 2 is all about habits of character. In this unit, students will learn about four different habits of character and how these habits help us do work. Students will be completing a focused read aloud of different literary stories. Students will examine how characters show their feelings with words and how they use habits of character to complete hard tasks. Students will write about a habit of character. Unit 3 is all about putting what they have learned together to create something new. In this unit, students will apply all that they have learned about tools and habits of character to create Magnificent Things with a small group. Students will then complete a writing process to write about their Magnificent Things independently.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students answer the compelling question “How is everyone unique?” Students will explore what the word unique means and how everyone has different characteristics while working to understand what makes them unique.
Social Studies
Grade Levels:
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This course focuses on contemporary global issues. Students will build knowledge about these issues to cultivate diplomacy, effective citizenship, and global competitiveness.
Career and Technical Education | Health
Grade Levels:
07, 08
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In this unit, students will be provided instruction and skills practice in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED), foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) and First Aid. Students will learn about infection control and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in emergency and first aid situations. Students will learn how to deal with emergency situations and learn about the traits that are needed when dealing with high-pressure situations, as well as some careers related to medical emergencies.
Career and Technical Education | Health
Grade Levels:
07, 08
Course format:
In this unit, students will recognize and interpret communication in verbal, non-verbal and written forms. Students will explore appropriate use of electronic communications including: email, text and social media. Students will explore principles and values within various situations and communications within the healthcare setting. Students will be introduced to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its importance as a healthcare provider. Emphasis will be placed on evaluating the validity of web-based resources.
Career and Technical Education | Health
Grade Levels:
07, 08
Course format:
In this unit, students will start the academic foundation required of healthcare professionals including the basic structure and function of the human body (tissue, organ, and system). Students will be introduced to the science of safety in the healthcare setting: infection control and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Emphasis will be placed on the behaviors that support health and wellness.
Career and Technical Education | Health
Grade Levels:
07, 08
Course format:
This unit will provide an in-depth look into the five career pathways in the healthcare field. There will be emphasis on exploring the variety of careers and the professional behaviors that a person would need to possess to work in that career. The HIPPA act will also be introduced.
Computer Science
Grade Levels:
07, 08
Course format:
The ILC MS Computer Science course materials utilize content from with enhancements for students to access the curriculum in a fully online setting. The teacher and students will need to set up Code Studio accounts, which are free.