Course Repository
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English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students start off with a review of all short vowels and digraphs. Then, students are introduced to decoding and encoding words with the “-an” and “-am” spelling patterns with a review of /a/ and /i/. Students then move on to an introduction to “-ank” and “-ink” in spoken words and a review of /u/ and /e/. Finally, students learn to decode and encode words with double final consonants and a review of short vowels, including /o/.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students apply growing phonemic awareness to decoding and encoding single-syllable, CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. students will hear and segment the individual phonemes of single-syllable spoken words. Students will segment and blend to support encoding and decoding. Students will work toward mastery of decoding and encoding single syllable VC (vowel-consonant) and CVC words including words with digraphs at the beginning or end. Students will use a Decodable Reader in a group setting and use the Decodable Student Reader routine in differentiated small groups. Students will take on more independence with text via student Decodable Readers. Use high-frequency words in shared and decodable texts.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students continue to: Develop phonemic segmentation (break words down into individual sounds). Blend to decode (seeing a written symbol and being able to say what sound it represents) and encode (hearing a sound and being able to write a symbol to represent that sound) short vowel words with two and three units of sound (including two or more consonants that represent one sound). Use shared oral and written texts. Take on more independence with text via student Decodable Readers.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will continue focusing on getting to know letters. They will be introduced to “k”, “ y”, “q”, “u”, “x”, “b”, “o”, “w”, “j”, “e”, and “z”. Students will also be introduced to the new instructional practice of interactive sentence building (a precursor to Interactive Writing).
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will continue focusing on getting to know letters. They will be introduced to “v”, “s”, “g”, “i”, “d”, “f”, “l”.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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This Module is designed to give students additional practice, build knowledge and vocabulary while allowing students greater independence in their learning and an opportunity to gain mastery of the concepts taught in ILC ELA 4: Module 4 Responding to Inequality Ratifying the 19th Amendment. This module is to be used with the book The Hope Chest by Karen Schwabach.
Grade Levels:
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In this unit, students will be exploring the world of energy flow and ecosystems. Students will use models to describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair, growth, and motion and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun. Students will investigate and connect evidence to support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water. Students will develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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This Module is designed to give students additional practice, build knowledge and vocabulary while allowing students greater independence in their learning and an opportunity to gain mastery of the concepts taught in ILC ELA 5: Module 3 Athlete Leaders of Social Change.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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This is module 1 of 4 modules. The sequence of units is available in the Read Me First Materials in each unit.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
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This Module is designed to give students additional practice, build knowledge and vocabulary while allowing students greater independence in their learning and an opportunity to gain mastery of the concepts taught in ILC ELA 3: Module 4 Water Around the World. Students will read One Well: The Story of Water on Earth by Rochelle Strauss, Water Dance by Thomas Locker, and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Brayan Mealer
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students are introduced to and work with words with the spelling pattern “-ate” pronounced
with the schwa sound or with a long vowel /ā/. In addition, students are introduced to and work with contractions with “are” (examples: “they’re,” “you’re”). Students are also introduced to and work with compound words. Finally, students are introduced to and work with the following ending sounds and their spellings: /kul/ spelled “-cle” and “-cal”, /us/ spelled “-ous” and “-us” . Finally, students will be introduced to and work with the apostrophe to show possession.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will work with the “-y” generalization for plural endings. (cherries, families, monkeys, turkeys, flies) Students will be introduced to schwa words spelled with “a”, “e”, and “o”. students will work with prefixes “-dis” and “-de” (examples: “disagree,” “dislike,” “deconstruct”) and as well as the prefixes “im-” and “in-” (examples: “incomplete," “invisible”).
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, Students engage in deep word analysis, learning spelling rules to help them generalize spelling patterns for vowel teams and affixes, while also learning that there are many words in English for which no rules apply (example: words like “turn,” “her,” and “bird,” which all have the /er/ sound but are all spelled with different vowels). Students will work with spelling patterns such as “oi,” “oy,” “ou,” and “ow” to decoding and encoding words. Students work with and understand contractions using “am,” “is,” “not,” “would” and “have.” Students continue to decode and encode words with common prefixes (“re-,” “un-,” “pre-”) and suffixes (“-ed,” “-ing,” “-er”). Students will be introduced to words with and should be able to decode words containing word endings such as “-tion” and “-sion.” Lastly, students continue to work on and reflect on their growing ability to fluently read second-grade texts.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
The labs module allows students to apply content-based, literacy lessons, and foundational reading and writing skills across curricular areas.
In this module, students will learn about trees as they create, explore, engineer, and imagine.
In the Create Lab, students will create paper collages of plants to demonstrate their growing skills as artists and scientists.
In the Explore Lab, students will use a variety of tools and a checklist for a class garden to study classroom plants and what they need to grow and be healthy. Specifically, students will observe and gather data on plant parts, water use, and growth.
In the Engineering Lab, students will create a storyboard to show the life cycle of a plant
In the Imagine Lab, students will use movement to represent plants, animals, and the interaction between the two. Students will use their imagination and work to create masks, build sets, dress up, and pretend to be the living things.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
The labs module allows students to apply content-based, literacy lessons, and foundational reading and writing skills across curricular areas.
In this module, students will learn about providing for pollinators as they create, imagine, engineer and research.
The Create Lab has two parts.
In part 1 of the Create Lab, students will create marionette puppets for flying pollinator characters based on the fables they write in the Imagine Lab.
In part 2 of the Create Lab, students will create background settings, where they can act out their fables.
In the Imagine Lab, students will write a fable with a familiar pollinator as the main character.
Students will analyze a model fable to determine criteria for their writing.
Students will present their fables using the puppets they created in the Create Lab.
In the Engineering Lab, students will learn about the important pollinator plants in their region.
Students will design an ideal pollinator garden for their classroom or school.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
The labs module allows students to apply content-based, literacy lessons, and foundational reading and writing skills across curricular areas.
In this module, students will learn about tools and work as they create, engineer, explore, and imagine.
In the Create Lab, students create tool drawings that become more realistic as they learn how to use artistic skills and concepts such as shape, lines, texture, and size.
In the Engineering Lab, students will use a variety of classroom tools and materials to design and create a magnificent thing that fills a need or want.
In the Explore Lab, students will engage in a variety of activities to explore how different tools are used. The Explore Lab culminates in a design challenge in which students will select the best tool for the job.
In the Imagine Lab, students will create a world of play as they explore the different materials available in the Imagine Lab.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will work with word endings and suffixes that sound the same but are spelled differently (examples: “-ck” vs. “k” and “-ible” vs. “-able”), as well as work with homophones. Students are introduced to the last of the six syllable types: consonant-le (C-le) (examples: “handle,” “giggle,” “waddle”). A new suffix, “-ly,” is introduced, along with the two-syllable suffixes “-ible” and “-able.”
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will review spelling patterns, skills, and knowledge from Grade 1 improving fluency by working on rate, phrasing, and expression while reading.
Students review spelling patterns and syllable types taught in Grade 1. Students analyze, decode (read), and encode (spell) one- and two-syllable words containing long vowel spelling patterns such as “ai,” “ie,” and “igh,” and with inflectional endings “-s,” “-ed,” “-es,” and “-ing.” Students also learn and review both regular and irregularly spelled high-frequency words. In addition,students are introduced to text cues, such as punctuation and text type, and other elements of oral fluency.
New practices introduced in this module include: Snap or Trap (focusing on high-frequency words), Words Rule (introducing or reviewing spelling sound patterns and generalizations), Fluency, Word Workout (review of various skills), and Dictation (only on cycle assessment days). Students who are familiar with the Grade 1 Skills curriculum will continue to engage in updated versions of "Syllable Sleuth," "Setting Purpose: From Engagement Text to Decodables," "Interactive Writing,"
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students continue to focus on vowel spelling patterns. Students work with r-controlled vowels, followed by vowel teams and patterns in which the first vowel says its name, such as “ai” and “ea.” Students gain knowledge of alternative spelling patterns for long vowel sounds (such as “igh” for long “i”). In preparation for Grade 2 work, a new instructional practice is introduced in this module: Fluency. Students will learn how to monitor their oral reading, paying attention to reading smoothly, with expression, with meaning, and not too fast or too slow.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students shift to decoding two-syllable words. Students are introduced to new syllable types—first, closed syllable (VCCV), then open-syllable beginning with CV, and finally CVCe words with a long vowel sound in the middle and a silent “e” at the end. Students are slowly introduced to two-syllable words of a specific syllable type and, finally, pairing taught syllable types in two-syllable words. Students will learn how to identify vowels and vowel sounds in words and use that knowledge to divide words into two syllables.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students are introduced to the idea that every syllable has a vowel and asked to identify the two, three and four phoneme words they have been working on as closed syllables. They learn how to break a word into two syllables (CV/VC) to decode efficiently (examples: “magnet” and “picnic”). Students continue to work with two-syllable words (VC/CV), including compound words, to solidify students’ understanding of syllables. Students are introduced to long vowel sounds via the spelling pattern of an open syllable.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will continue to focus on single-syllable words with two and three phonemes. Students will learn to read and write closed syllable words with digraphs "wh" and "ck" at the beginning and end of a word. Students will be introduced to the "Floss" rule. Students will be introduced to consonant clusters / blends. This unit covers the following site words: “who", “when", “where", “why", “what", and “gives”, “all", “could", “said", “then”, “by" “there”, “some" and “think”.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
In this unit, students will focus on decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) one-syllable words with two or three phonemes (sounds). Students will read unchanging base words with suffixes (endings), including possessive (“-’s”), plural nouns (“-s”), and action words (“-s”) Students will decode and encode words with initial consonant clusters that include “s,” “r,” and “l” (example: “slip”) and read plural nouns with “-es”.
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
This Module is designed to give students additional practice, build knowledge and vocabulary while allowing students greater independence in their learning and an opportunity to gain mastery of the concepts taught in ILC ELA 5: Module 2 Researching to Build Knowledge and Teach Others, Biodiversity in the Rainforest
English/Language Arts
Grade Levels:
Course format:
The labs module allows students to apply content-based, literacy lessons, and foundational reading and writing skills across curricular areas. In this module, students will learn about birds as they create, engineer, explore, and imagine.
In the Create Lab, students will use a variety of materials and skills to create a realistic three-dimensional sculpture of a bird.
In the Engineering Lab, students will use their knowledge of the function of bird body parts, specifically feathers, beaks, and feet, to design solutions to human problems. In the Explore Lab, students will learn more about bird bones and beaks as they try out a series of challenges using materials that simulate these specific parts of birds. In the Imagine Lab, students will learn more about birds through a study of poetry. Specifically, they will practice reading poetry fluently and use movement to represent what they learn about birds and their body parts.