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Course Repository


ILC ELA 4: Module 4 Additional Language and Literacy (ALL) Block

English/Language Arts
Grade Level
Course Format
Course Description

This module supports the concepts taught in ILC ELA 4: Module 4 Responding to Inequality: Ratifying the 19th Amendment. In this Module, students will read The Hope Chest by Karen Schwabach and explore the following concepts: Unit 1, as students read about the events in The Hope Chest, students will read informational firsthand and secondhand accounts of real-life responses to inequality and compare and contrast the information in both. Unit 2, students will continue their read of The Hope Chest identifying themes in each chapter and summarizing events that show evidence of a theme. Students will also analyze the meaning of similes, metaphors, idioms, adages, and proverbs. Unit 3, students will connect what they have learned about ratifying the 19th Amendment to their own lives. Students will research how students around the world have made a difference before taking action as a class on an issue in your community and students will write a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to encourage other students to make a difference. Note: The ALL Bock module is an integral part of the program to ensure all standards are addressed; therefore, it should be downloaded with the corresponding content module.

These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed.


Source Name

EL Education. (2016-2017). Grade 4 Online Materials. Open Up Resources.

Lead developer
Tessa Yackle
Course Updates
12/20/24: Course videos links updated