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Course Repository

Magnifying glass with Earth inside glass window

ILC 2nd Grade Social Studies Environmental Impact Unit

Social Studies
Grade Level
Course Format
Course Description

This is unit 2 of 4 units. The sequence of units is available in the Read Me First Materials in each unit. In module 1 of this unit, students will learn to think like a geographer as they analyze landforms and population density in the United States and around the world. In module 2 of this unit, students examine what it means to have a renewable resource and what it means to have a nonrenewable resource. Students will use the "See/Think/Wonder" strategy for analyzing images and thinking like a historian to determine the impact on the environment of using different types of resources. In module 3 of this unit, students will examine human impact over time using primary sources. At the end of this unit, students will demonstrate their understanding of human environmental impact by developing a city planning project. They will work together to problem-solve, present solutions, examine the impact on the environment, and make recommendations.

These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed.


Lead developer
David Dubczak
Course Updates
1/03/2025: Video link updates