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Course Repository

Magnifying glass with Earth inside glass window

ILC 1st Grade Social Studies: Schools - Comparing Long Ago, Today, and Other Cultures Unit

Social Studies
Grade Level
Course Format
Course Description
This is unit 3 of 4 units. The sequence of units is available in the Read Me First Materials in each unit. In this unit, students are encouraged to think about the world beyond their classroom, especially in the context of going to school. Many students believe if they go to school, learn, or eat a certain way, then everyone else must be doing the same. This inquiry will help students discover how schools have evolved and changed, and it will encourage students to examine their own cultural practices with those within their community and around the world. Students will use the inquiry standards to ask and answer questions, analyze primary and secondary sources, and evaluate those sources to make a claim using evidence.
These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed.


Lead developer
Lindsey Pettibone
Course Updates
minor link updates - 12.12.2024