Online Success Checklist for Students | Iowa e-Learning Central

Online Success Checklist for Students

Use this checklist to think about your strengths and areas where you might need support. Resources are available for some items, or click on the heading for more information.

How To Get Ready for an Online Class

  • I have a space designated for my online learning, with computer and internet access. 
  • I have identified strategies to assist me with time management and goal setting.
  • I understand my online class may require as much time as a traditional, in-person class, and have scheduled the time on my calendar. 
  • I have access to the technology tools, applications, and other resources recommended for this course.

How To Get Things Done

  • I understand that it is important to communicate with my instructor regularly, and am comfortable reaching out for help when I don’t understand something. 
  • I know I can request to meet with my teacher individually if I’m still unclear or struggling with the course.
  • I know where and how to access the course, assignments, messages, feedback, and/or grades.
  • I have the computer knowledge and skills recommended for this course or know who to go to for help.

How To Work with Others during an Online Class

For more information, see our page on "How to Work with Others during an Online Class."

How To Thrive (Survive) in an Online Class

  • I can be successful with online classes.
  • I understand that unlike a traditional, in-person class, the teacher may not be able to respond immediately.
  • I know that taking physical breaks from the computer is important for my health and ability to stay focused on my learning.
    • 20-20-20: Every 20 minutes I should look 20 feet away for 20 seconds and blink. 

Supporting Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health (SEBH)

  • I can identify things that make me feel healthy- socially, emotionally, and physically.
  • I can tell when I need help to handle a problem that is getting in my way or getting worse instead of better.
  • I know options for reaching out if I have a serious problem or am concerned about a friend or family member with a serious problem.