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Accessibility and Usability for Students

Considerations for Students 

This resource is available to support students in using Iowa e-Learning Central (ILC) courses. This support is focused on considerations that will allow greater accessibility and use of available courses. 

Online classes may include technology that helps you be successful. Courses offered through ILC were designed to increase accessibility for all students. This guide is not for individual student accommodation or modifications, but general tips for getting the most out of class. 

As a student, these are questions you may (and should, if you need it) ask your teacher:

  • Are videos closed captioned? Can I have audio transcripts sent?
  • Can I increase the font size or change the font type of course materials? 
  • What are the different ways I can submit work (e.g., text files, audio files)? 
  • Whom do I contact with questions? What is the best way to ask a question?
  • Is it ok to ask someone in my class for help, or do I need to message you (the teacher first)? 
  • Is there a way to get hard copies of materials? Can you send the materials that are also being shared on the screen?
  • If we do not have the internet or what we do have is unreliable, what do we do? 
  • Are online tools needed when working with equations in math/science material?
  • Will my assistive technology devices (e.g., screen reader, speech to text) work well within the course content? 
  • Am I allowed to use assistive technology plug-ins or extensions like Grammarly?

In general, if things are not working as they should, it’s okay, even recommended, to reach out to your teacher. The teacher will be able to refer you to tech support or provide help directly. Problem-solving steps for students:

  • Know the contact information for your teacher and which one they check most often. Know what to expect in terms of ongoing communication.
  • Look for a “Help” section in any programs you are using. Most help sections have a way to search for solutions to problems.
  • Check any written directions from your teacher about how to get into or around in the systems they are using.
  • Ask for a quick video call (e.g., Zoom or Meet) with the teacher or tech support to show you things right on the screen.
  • Find out how to check if your work is missing or graded.
  • If you get behind in your work or miss a class, reach out to the teacher. It’s good to know if things are taking too long and how to make up an assignment or missed class.

Online Tools

Below you will find tool-specific information. Tools used by content developers for ILC are selected from a list of no-cost and accessible options. Other specific tools listed here may be used when delivering the online course content locally. The listed tools are not endorsed, required, or mandated; information is offered here if applicable.

Below are specific tools your teacher may use to help teach the class. Provided is a brief summary of available tools. Contact your local teacher with your specific questions.  

General Purpose Tools, Resources, and Support

Video: Creating and Recording

Audio: Recording and Publishing

  • Synth: Allows the recording of audio and for students (or others to listen to). Used to provide directions, share learning targets, and provide feedback.
  • Anchor: An all-in-one platform where one can create and distribute a podcast from any device.

Quiz Creation, Games, and Informal Assessment

Creating Interactive Presentations

Computer Science

  • Scratch: Allows students to program (i.e., code) games, interactive stories, and animations. Inaccessible for Braille readers


Learning Management Systems (LMS)