Course Repository

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Course Repository

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ILC HS Physical Education - Full Year

21st Century Skills
Physical Education
Grade Level
Course Format
Full Year
Course Description

In this full year physical education course students will learn about the eight Dimensions of Wellness. The Physical Dimension - Students will reflect upon their own health behaviors and assess the impact their choices have on their overall health. The Emotional Dimension - Students will define emotional health. They will reflect upon how their personal choices impact their overall emotional health and well-being. The Social Dimension - Students will examine the social dimension of health and how choice and external influences impact emotional health. Students will examine their social support network and determine differences between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. The Spiritual Dimension, My Core Values - Students will develop personal core values based on their own goals, passions, peace and purpose. The Financial Dimension - Students will identify how different financial choices impact their life and overall wellness. The Occupational Dimension - Students will identify occupational wellness and determine how it relates to and aligns with skill-related fitness components and life and career goals. The Environmental Dimension - Students will define environmental wellness and determine its impact on individual health. The Intellectual Dimension - Students will develop communication skills and strategies that promote positive team or group dynamics. Note: both segments of this course have a final wellness project that asks students to apply what they have learned about the Dimensions of Wellness presented in the individual segment. Teachers may want to combine these two activities into a culminating activity at the end of the year.

These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed.


Lead developer
Carlye Satterwhite
Course Updates
minor link updates - 01.13.2025