ILC ELA 4: Module 3 The American Revolution | Iowa e-Learning Central
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ILC ELA 4: Module 3 The American Revolution

English/Language Arts
Grade Level
Course Format
Course Description

This is module 3 of 4 modules. The sequence of modules is available in the Read Me First Materials in each unit. The Grade 4 curriculum offers rich content-based literacy instruction with module lessons and an Additional Language and Literacy (ALL) Block. The content lessons and ALL Block can offer a comprehensive curriculum for educators, allowing them to explicitly teach and formally assess the Iowa Academic Standards for each grade level. A scope and sequence provides module and unit overviews. Students participate in four modules over the course of the school year. The four modules allow students to build important content knowledge based on a compelling topic related to science, social studies, or literature; additionally, curriculum module topics build coherence by building knowledge and vocabulary. Note: The ALL Block module is an integral part of the program to ensure all standards are addressed; therefore, it should be downloaded with this content module.

These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed.


Source Name

EL Education. (2016-2017). Grade 4 Online Materials. Open Up Resources.

Lead developer
Kathy Higgins
Course Updates
minor link updates - 01.13.2025