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Course Repository


ILC ELA 12 - Full Year

English/Language Arts
Grade Level
Course Format
Full Year
Course Description

The ILC ELA 12 - Full Year materials are designed as a year-long course. Semester 1 and Semester 2 are available separately for download. The following offers a summary of the year-long course: The curriculum modules offer a wide range of quality texts that engage students in analysis of autobiographical nonfiction, speeches, poetry, drama, and fiction. The modules comprise classic and contemporary voices including Malcolm X with Alex Haley, Leslie Marmon Silko, Henry David Thoreau, Benazir Bhutto, Jared Diamond, William Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Nikolai Gogol. Through the study of a variety of text types and media, students build knowledge, analyze ideas, delineate arguments, and develop writing, collaboration, and communication skills. The modules clearly identify standards that are addressed and assessed. The 9-12 ELA Prefatory Material and Teacher Instructional Guide includes further details.

These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed, and this course creates a year-long curriculum when ILC ELA 12 - 1st Semester and ILC ELA 12 - 2nd Semester are combined.

ILC ELA 12 - 1st Semester should be completed before ILC ELA 12 - 2nd Semester, as it is a year-long course.

Source Name

Engage NY. (n.d.). Grade 12 English Language Arts.

Lead developer
Tessa Yackle
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