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ILC 5th Grade Mathematics: Unit 4 Wrapping Up Multiplication and Division With Multi-Digit Numbers
Grade Level
Course Format
Course Description
This is unit 4 of 8 units. The sequence of units is available in the Read Me First Materials in each unit.
- Section A: Multi-digit Multiplication Using the Standard Algorithm
In this section, students estimate products and quotients in a real-world context. Students use their understanding of place value, and their understanding of powers of 10 to make reasonable estimates. Students connect multiplication strategies, like partial products, to the standard multiplication algorithm. - Section B: Expressions for Finding Volume
In this section, Students begin the work on whole number division by deepening their understanding of division expressions and the effect that changing the divisor or dividend has on the value of the quotient. In a progression that leads to students engaging in algorithms using partial quotients, students estimate quotients and write partial quotient equations that match their own methods for finding the value of the quotient. - Section C: Let's Put it To Work
In this section, Students practice their multiplication and division skills as they solve problems involving volume.
These instructional materials are available to assist educators in implementing Iowa’s Academic Standards. Curriculum leaders and teachers should review these instructional materials to ensure full implementation of Iowa’s Academic Standards in the local curriculum. Each module identifies standards that are addressed and assessed.
Source Name
Illustrative Mathematics. (2021). K-5 Math version. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Lead developer
Amber Earnest
Course Updates
minor link update - 03.14.2025